German Science in the Age of Empire, reviewed in
ISIS, 114 (2023)
The American Historical Review, 126 (2021)
Journal of World History, 32 (2021)
Sehepunkte, 21 (2021)
Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte (2021)
Comparativ, 131 (2021)
German Historical Institute Bulletin, 2 (2020)
H-Soz-Kult, (14.09.2020)
Metascience, 29 (2020)
Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaft, Technik und Medizin, 4 (2020)
Traverse – Zeitschrift für Geschichte – Revue d’histoire 1 (2020)
Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle, 59 (2019)
Le Monde (Paris), N°359 Science&Techno, (12 June 2019)
Other Publications
Empire of Scarcity: A Global History of Assam Rubber (manuscript length: 84.000 words/240 pages).
“The ‘Mobile Plantation’ of Charduar: Local Connections, Imperial Portfolios, and the Global Pathways of Assam Rubber”, in Ulrike Lindner and Nicholas Miller (eds), Plantation Knowledge (Cornell University Press, forthcoming).
“The Plantation Gaze: Imperial Careering and Agronomic Knowledge between Europe and the Tropics”, with Christof Dejung, Special Issue of Comparativ: Journal of Global History and Comparative Social Research on “Transimperial Histories of Knowledge: Networks of Exchange and Collaboration”, 31:6 (2021), pp. 572–590.
“The private side of cultural brokerage: autobiographical practices and the self-constructed archives of imperial exploration”, The South Asia Chronicle, 10 (2020), S. 301–326.
“Foreigners in the Princely States and British India: Recruitment Conditions and a Typology of Outsider Involvement”, in Irene María Vicente Martín and Tilmann Kulke (eds), From Florence to Goa and Beyond: Essays in Early Modern Global History (Florence, European University Institute Press, 2021), pp. 201–232.
‘Empires of Opportunity: German naturalists in British India and the frictions of transnational science’, Modern Asian Studies, (2020), pp. 1-46.
‘The German and Japanese Empires: Great Power Competition and the World Wars in Trans-Imperial Perspective’, with Daniel Hedinger, in P. Bang, C. A. Bayly †, W. Scheidel (eds), The Oxford World History of Empire, Vol. 2 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 1123–1161.
‘Gustav Mann and bioprospecting in West Africa 1859–1863: A Digital History Compilation’, with a student group of Bern University
German Science in the Age of Empire: Enterprise, Opportunity and the Schlagintweit Brothers, series ‘Science in History’ (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).
Paperback edition published 12. November 2020
‘Einleitung. Die Gebrüder Schlagintweit in Korrespondenz mit Alexander von Humboldt: Einblicke in einen epistemischen Umbruch’, in edition humboldt digital, ed. by Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 2019.
‘Cultural Brokers: Nain Singh und das Innenleben der Schlagintweit-Expeditionen in Asien, 1854-58’, Jahrbuch für europäische Überseegeschichte, 17 (Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden, 2018), pp. 75–119.
with Friederike Kaiser and Stephanie Kleidt (eds), Über den Himalaya. Die Expedition der Brüder Schlagintweit nach Indien und Zentralasien 1854 bis 1858 (Böhlau, Cologne, 2015).
‘Humboldt’scher Forscherdrang und britische Kolonialinteressen: Die Indien- und Hochasien-Reise der Brüder Schlagintweit (1854-1858)’, ibid., pp. 31–88.
‘Hochstapler, Kolonial-Gehilfen, Helden. Die kontroverse Rezeption der Schlagintweit-Expedition’, ibid., pp. 251–280.
with Stephanie Kleidt, ‘“Die Löwen des Tages”. Die Indien- und Hochasienexpedition der Brüder Schlagintweit 1854–1858’, Jahrbuch BERG 2015 (Munich, 2015), pp. 82–87.
with James White, Tilmann Kulke (eds), ‘Current Historiographical Research at the European University Institute’, special issue of Zeitenblicke, online journal, 12 (2013).
‘Interview about Global History’, with Prof. Sebastian Conrad (Free University Berlin) and Tilmann Kulke
‘The Cultural History of Empire’. An Interview with Professor Antonella Romano (EUI) and Professor Jorge Flores (EUI)
‘Connecting the New World. Nets, Mobility and Progress in the Age of Alexander von Humboldt’, International Review for Humboldtian Studies, 25 (2012), pp. 11–33.